Church at Berkmar FAQs
When will gathering back at Berkmar take place?
We will continue to work towards establishing a date when we can safely gather in our Berkmar facility. We will start with one service at 10am. We are exploring the option to utilize both North and South venues for services to help provide more space.
Is childcare available?
We love your kids, but the answer is, “not yet.”
Can my children come to the adult worship service?
Yes! Your children can sit with you in the adult service. We will also be providing a special activity bag for them each week.
When will CSM start up?
We are currently working on a plan that would kick things off for Cornerstone Student Ministry (grades 6th-12th) on September 20th. This will include “NTS Camp | OS” (Never The Same Off-Site) programming. Check for updates at
Will there still be a live stream?
Absolutely! We will continue to offer online services live. It’s a great way to share with someone who doesn’t know Jesus!
What if I’m not ready to come back but I really miss my Cornerstone family?
This is always a great opportunity to watch online with family, friends, or while you are traveling this summer.
What precautions is Cornerstone taking with regards to COVID-19?
We will continue to follow the CDC guidelines and social distancing requirements. We want you to feel safe while in the church building.
We ask that you please pay attention to all signs to help direct you while at church and continue to practice social distancing practices of 6ft.
We will also have “touchless” hand sanitizing stations available throughout the buildings.
Do I have to wear a mask?
We have not made any decisions about masks yet. As we get closer to gathering in the building, we will keep you informed on our plan.
Can I sit with my family/friends?
If you’ve spent time playing, eating, and living with them at home, you’re safe to worship and pray next to them at church. With regards to friends, let’s honor the social distance spacing.
Will you be serving coffee?
Sorry, you will need to grab your favorite coffee drink before you come. Coffee will not be available, and there will be no access to the water fountains.